Adoption Law Reform and the Royal Commission Inquiry

We’re on the road to ADOPTION LAW REFORM and although we’re not there yet, there is an important stop on the way that we mustn’t overlook

The Royal Commission into Abuse in Care  wants to hear the experiences of people impacted by ADOPTION - listen to the Commission talking about adoption here 

Get in touch with the Commission NOW

Please contact the Commission on 0800 222 727 Weekdays 8:30am to 4:30pm to register

Please register before November 2022

What is the value of sharing your adoption experiences with the Royal Commission?

  • The  Ministry of Justice’s current work on reforming Adoption Law in Aotearoa  will be informed by the Royal Commission’s findings.
  • The Royal Commission can ask government to make a formal apology to people impacted by adoption.
  • The Royal Commission is independent from government and will report back to government with recommendations on how to improve its services to children and adults impacted by abuse and adoption.

We’d prefer a separate Commission to investigate adoption, but for now, we have this avenue to share our experiences.  We may not get another chance.

Numerous adopted people and mothers have already made submissions to the Commission.
The sessions are private, and you are in control of what you share, how much you share and who can hear your voice.

Feedback from people who have presented the impacts of adoption on their lives…

The Royal Commission is the only place I have been asked to speak the truth of my personal experience as an adopted person.  I felt my adoption experience was valued and received with respect and compassion.   Every eye in the room filled with tears as I spoke. Is there any other truly human response upon hearing of the traumatic impacts of being abandoned by your mother, losing your family (in my case twice), having all your information hidden from you, and then for your lifetime being silenced by the numerous adoption myths and gaslighting that sadly still exist today?